
1fc9dd2261aac052d501e1b7968775a0_title-ico.pngContact Us

undefined   Email:wangfang19910325@gmail.com‍

undefined   Whatsapp+86-13462332037

undefined   Wechat13462332037

undefined   Skypewang.fang21

undefined   Add:New Zone B, High tech Industrial Park, East Wuyang Road, High tech Zone, Xinxiang, Henan Province

Hppy Mid-Autumn Festival for our friend & client!

2021-09-17 11:07
20--21th Sept.   so we are working in our work site now.   you can contact me by Mobile , Email , WhatsAPP, Wechat, QQ, etc , i   will reply for your require quickly time in our holiday!
So i hope our friend and client enjoy it with us in festival !
Best regards
Bill Wei